For me, it was the usual, a lack of sex and intimacy. Her finding ways to avoid me, or being to tired, or too busy, it's always something. She asked if it got better after our last conversation, yea, for like two weeks.

I don't feel the passion anymore in our relationship. I want more than I think she is willing to give. As she admitted to me last night, "even if we had sex every night, you wouldn't be happy". And I said, no, probably not. I'm tired of not feeling wanted physically, I'm tired of rejection, I'm tired of feeling like a outcast in my own home. She turned to me and said "do you think we are going to make it". I just don't know. She said "don't you think it's worth fighting for" and I said that's what I thought I've been doing.
The more I think about it, the more I'm loosing ground. I realize how unhappy I am and have not done anything about it until now. It feels good to get it out to her, but it hurts because I think I'm the one ending our marriage. I have always worried about making others happy, usually to my own detriment, that has to end. I want to be happy.
She would like to try counselling again, I truly don't know if it will do any good. I feel the courses of our lives have shifted to much.
"Time is a friend or an enemy of a soul who longs to be free."