Thursday, October 21, 2010

Seeing things

I had asked in the past what the big deal was, how I didn't understand what the draw was to me. You know me, I just consider myself an ordinary guy, (I've been know to be a bit self depreciating, just a bit). And after a slight crisis I was having last night and this morning at home, this would be sent to me unbidden.

"He's up before dawn dressing his little girl.

He's on the road by five thirty for work.

He plays pool with the boys once a week.

He enjoys a drink to unwind at night.

He bends a blonde head over black guitar and toys with a melody.

He finds beauty in art and a well told story.

He consumes music like so much manna.

He handles a 1000 cc bike on a track with the same veracity of spirit he uses to love his little girl.

He's patient in thought and deliberate in action.

Sometimes it takes another point of view to see the things we cannot.


  1. Wow... I guess I'm not the only girl sending those "lists" when someone feels worthless, huh? You're right, sometimes, it takes someone else's eyes to see things and mostly, to put things back in perspective.

  2. That is a real eye opener



  3. Beryl is quite the astute woman.

    She is also beautiful, kind, generous, and loving.

    I'd take every one of her observations to heart.


    PS....Don't let her know I let the cat out of the bag, but she is also plain out crazy for you! Those words come from the love she holds in her heart for you.

    I'd say you are a pretty lucky man.

  4. He's the most centered person I know and he's always known his worth. Were I to try to distill him into a list I'd still be writing.

    Still it's good to hear how much you are loved and he is certainly very easy to love.

  5. What an awesome pick me up Beryl sent you. I know it is important to hear these things once in a while. To just know you are appreciated makes it easier to put one foot in front of the other.
