Yesterday brought some interesting sights to work for a change. I work in a predominately male business and the more beautiful of the species is not seen all that often. We do have a few women that work in the office but they are usually only seen passing through, to or from their cars.
Yesterday being old hallows eve, the ladies in the office apparently decided to dress up and have a bit of a party in there. Now, I've often heard in the past that Halloween is a great time for some women to embrace their inner slut and dress however they like without any repercussions, and believe me, I relish the idea. Hell, I think they should do it much more often, once a week maybe, I'm more than happy to look at all that sexy flesh, on display, peaking out, begging for attention. Mmmmmm. So, anyway, before I had my little tangent, I was saying...
My department has a view of the main work area where everyone walks through, so I was given the opportunity to be surprised early yesterday when one of the girls walked in with skin tight black pants and a tail swaying back and forth as she walked through. Damn, that looked pretty good. About a half hour later, another one walks in, same thing, tight black pants and high boots, only this one is working it, sauntering through, hips swinging and swaying. Oh my, I'm thinking as every guy has their eyes glued to her ass.
The best thing is how they knew they had the attention and kept walking back and forth throughout the day, eating it up I'm sure. The tails on their asses, ears sticking up high, and painted whiskers all attracting the cat woman attention of a guy centric business. Three of them on separate occasions even made some trips to my department to drop things off, which is not a normal occurrence. It had my mind in the gutter most of the day, I know, not a difficult thing to do right.
Oh...I'm your KITTY!!!