Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hard Sun

You ever just have a song elicit such an emotional response that it surprises you?  It happened to me yesterday and I've no idea why.  I just had this urge to hear a song that's been around for quite awhile now, so I went onto YouTube and found it.  I'm listening to it at work while by myself in the morning, doing nothing else, just listening, and my eyes start welling up.

What the Fuck, this is uncalled for.  I'm thinking my plumbing must be broken, a leak in the pipes that's all.

It must just be me, I'm wondering if the stress at home it starting to take a toll.  I don't know, whatever.  I guess I can't be that rock all the time, I'm just glad no one saw me.

I decided to put it up today on my music blog.  It's a song called "Hard Sun" sung by  Eddie Vedder,  head on over and take a listen if you like. Call me crazy, please, at least its in excuse.


  1. Not crazy. Just feeling more now. That's a good thing, darlin'. xox Beryl

  2. I think it is normal. Just means you have feelings. Nothing wrong with that.

    I have a song by Cake, "Guitar Man", that makes me sad.
    Not sure why either.

  3. I spring leaks at the weirdest times. Songs, scents, memories and seeing men/women in military uniforms can trigger it.

    Its been a weird couple of years with the kid gone to the military. Feelings are good though, they let you know you're alive.

