I so enjoy spending time with M. Just watching her play in the sand, her little sunglasses and hat, and that huge smile when she looks up at you. At one point she lay down next to me on the towel and rubbed my stomach and said "night, night, dada", it was so damn cute. She makes me melt.
Now, if your ever feeling bad about your body or looks, take a trip to a major beach with a lot of people. After about an hour there, my wife says to me "I don't know why I feel so embarrassed in a bathing suit". Some people have no humility any more, they will let anything hang out. You just want to tell some of these people,
"Honey, just because they make it in you size does not mean you have to wear it."
That goes for the guys to.
Whatever, to each their own. Because of course along with all the bad, there are plenty of good sights as well at the beach.
Lunch was kind of nice to, with good food and a very attentive waitress, well, at least to me. She "loved" my tattoo and was very touchy whenever she brought another Captain and coke, or food over. She was also fawning over M. What's funny is my wife seemed so oblivious to it all. I thought women picked up on this sort of stuff. Fuck it, I don't care either way.
For the most part, a good day indeed, at least at the beach.
The beach and a little one always equal a good day!!
ReplyDeleteI would have noticed!
Ooooh to have been that damn waitress...sigh.