Monday, August 30, 2010


Good morning to you all.  Sorry, is that supposed to be said "ya'll"?  Still learning some of that southern slang.

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you ladies and gentleman know that due to quite a bit of interest in my musical taste, I've started a separate blog for my music choices. From now on I will be posting all my music there. There will also be a Button coming so you can add it to your blog if you so wish, check back later for that.

See that box to the right, "interjection", click away at your own peril, and get ready for an eargasm.

A special thanks to Beryl for the work she did helping me set up the new page.

Enjoy the music. W.


  1. Awesome! You do have excellent taste in music. I'm excited 'cause the new Disturbed CD/DVD is on it's way! WooHoo!

  2. Can't wait to check it out.

    Oh, and it's y'all...but it can even be all y'alls!

    Beryl's been quite the busy lil girl it seems.


  3. Ohh W... your pics and stories here, your music over there... that is more than eargasm!!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love how it all came out, darlin'. Thank you for my present, too. I'm a lucky girl!xox

  6. Excellent!

    BTW, I tried to leave a comment over there, and it didn't want to work... but it looks great!!
